Ingredients used (with their appropriate time in the fridge):
Whole Wheat Tortillas - 3 weeks
Seitan - 3 weeks
Gouda cheese - 2 weeks
Finely grated Parmesan cheese - 2 weeks
Parsley - 1 week
To explain what seitan is, I'm going to have to go back to my favorite vegan (and arguably my all-time favorite) restaurant, Real Food Daily. I was introduced to them by a fellow intern when I was in Beverly Hills for the summer. This restaurant became my LA staple. Whenever a friend wanted to eat out, I would dare them to go vegan, and I loved to see their reactions when introduced to some very tasty dishes. The greatest discovery I made was seitan, a whole wheat protein that has a very meaty texture. It's a bit bland, but versatile if flavored correctly.
oh my goodness. that looks absolutely DE-LIC-IOUS!!! oh my!